The process of identifying, controlling, and monitoring visitors in the workplace requires advanced processes to ensure that information is available, archived, and updated in real time. A visitor management solution is critical to compliance with multiple regulatory and legal requirements, and any process which helps ensure the safety of employees and visitors just makes sense.
The Accupoint platform includes modules to track registration, security and safety procedures for visitors, and alert personnel to the visitor’s presence. With Accupoint, you can develop a comprehensive visitor management program to ensure peace of mind and satisfy stakeholder and investor requirements. For more information on how Accupoint Software can help you implement and manage a Visitor Management program, please contact us today. For consumers, product purchase verification is simple. It means opening a package or trying a product to see that what you paid for is what you get. For businesses, the process is much different. Product purchase verification is actually serious business that requires full-time professionals with engineering degrees. The concept is important to consider both for compliance and professional reasons.
The most important component of purchased product verification is actually certifying that the product was delivered. Even a medium sized company has many good coming and going across different warehouses and locations. It is impossible for one person to physically verify every delivery. For that reason, logging every delivery in an accounting or compliance system is crucial. After the delivery is logged, it can be tracked and utilized for production or distribution. Product purchase verification also sets off the accounts payable timeline. The next most important factor is that the product delivered meets the quality standard expected. Products that have a chemical composition such as LNG, diesel or heating oil require an engineer or chemist to verify that the product is correct. They then log the information into a software or compliance management solution to confirm the quality information. Lastly, product purchase verification is crucial for safety. The delivered product should be stored and contained in a package that prevents it from harming workers. Additionally, it should not be placed next to any other material that could produce a strong combustible reaction. Again, professional engineers or compliance professionals must work on this process to assure nobody is injured. They log information into an online system and carefully monitor the placement of all products. Accupoint Software is a leading provider of compliance management tools for the petroleum industry. For more information on solutions to manage purchased product verification, please contact us today. Recording process information in oilfield operations can be extremely difficult. Furthermore, documenting everything on paper and storing it in files has become unworkable and unnecessary. While these tasks were traditionally done on paper, the scale and complexity of operations today make it almost impossible. Instead, firms are moving to automate process control documentation. This shift helps to reduces cost, increase efficiency, and improves organization and retrieval.
Documenting customer and regulatory mandated process information is one of the more tedious components of oilfield operations. Managers want to focus on increasing efficiency and productivity. They want to produce more volume for the same amount of labor and energy input. In contrast, process control documentation is mostly focused on recording past actions and complying with regulation. For that reason, automating the documentation process continues to grow in popularity. A main benefit of an automated software system is the ability to record process information as it occurs. Software will allow users to record the inputs, the timing of each chemical additive, the drilling schedule, the pumping schedule, heating, cooling, water injection and many more processes. Managers and compliance professionals can examine these results in the event of an incident or other non-conformity. Records and related information is saved in the cloud automatically, so there is no need to worry about papers or hardware being destroyed or misplaced. Instead, the data is safely stored in redundant server locations. Accupoint Software is a leading provider of innovative compliance management systems for the petroleum industry. Our integrated platforms streamline business processes, improve efficiency and help navigate complex regulatory and customer requirements. For more information on our solution family, please contact us today. Great attention has been paid to the tremendous shale gas boom occurring in the United States, and rightly so. According to a report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), this year the U.S. will surpass both Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of petroleum and natural gas hydrocarbons.
The rapidly changing landscape of worldwide energy production and consumption will impact lives in ways we can barely even imagine today, from national and international geopolitics to the prices at your local grocery store. However, one issue in particular has arisen over the harvesting of natural gas products through the process of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” Although this process has existed since the 1940’s, its current iteration has since assumed the responsibility for giving oil & gas firms access to the incredible reserves of previously inaccessible energy. As such, it is one key to the evolution and success of the industry. However, this significant opportunity does not exist without consequences. The negative impacts of fracking, documented in such films as Gasland 1 and 2 and by organizations like Food & Water Watch, are real and could affect communities all across America. Nevertheless, these risks and, indeed, the risks of any heavy industrial activity are a function of the process/quality control and risk management measures taken by the organization. When proper protocols are followed, documented, and rigorously applied, we drastically lessen the probabilities of accidents, danger, and irreversible damage. Industry standards, like API Spec Q2, were developed for just this reason. Using rigorous preventative maintenance, document control, risk management, and other key QHSE components can create an organizational culture that emphasizes proactivity and prevention, rather than reaction and crisis management. Ultimately, taking calculated risks and implementing the proper controls can allow us to reap the benefits of this tremendous economic opportunity while also ensuring the health and safety of our communities. Let us know on Twitter how your organization navigates risk and opportunity, and contact us directly to see how we can help. Whether we are checking the weather or communicating with loved ones, technology has made a significant impact on our personal lives. As you might expect, these advances have also significantly impacted the business world.
Picture this. A quality manager needs to make sure that his organization is in compliance with ISO 9001. In order to do this, he needs to practice careful process and data management. Historically, organizations would spend countless hours every day manually recording metrics by hand and filing them away in hard copy. When it was time for an audit, the management representative had to dig through mounds of paperwork and hope that everything was where it was supposed to be. Once he finally retrieved all the information, it needed to be presented to the auditor who was required to wade through the stacks of records to ensure the processes were in compliance. What is wrong with this scenario? The quality staff is shuffling through paperwork instead of monitoring operations to identify possible improvements. Additionally, cumbersome legacy systems are unorganized and confusing, which leads to mistakes and poor audit results. With the advent of cloud-based technology, organizations can now cost effectively record quality data and develop metric reports with the click of a button. In addition, records are accessible anytime, from any web enabled device. We have successfully integrated technology into our personal lives; why not improve our businesses as well? Technology has empowered quality managers everywhere to get back to the basics and focus on managing processes instead of drowning in a sea of unmanageable data. Click here to find out how a cloud-based Quality Management System can help your organization. |