Effective document management addresses more than just paperwork. Effective document management, and management systems, create processes that control document flow, facilitate employee training, streamline archiving, and ensure document accessibility at point of operation. Good document management allows for real-time updates to documents by personnel at multiple locations and ensures companywide document standardization. And effective document management systems must meet these needs while ensuring that safety and security standards are met, such as those governed by the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act of 2018.
Effective document management can be difficult, but it does not have to be. An effective document management solution transforms document management from a cumbersome burden, to a company feature, that contributes to an environment of professionalism which impresses prospective clients and investors. Strong document management increases quality standards and helps ensure continual company growth and improvement. For more information on how Accupoint Software can help streamline your Document Management System, please contact us today. Procedure management is extremely important in any business. Procedures help direct employees on the how and why of task completion. In addition, they can provide evidence that an organization is compliant with legal regulations and contractual requirements. For this reason, having a proper procedure management system is a must for all businesses.
When it comes to procedures, there are a few things that auditors will look for first. For example, auditors will verify that a procedure was put through the proper approval process. Also, auditors will look to see if a system is in place to objectively review the procedure. In order for businesses to answer these questions, proper documentation must be gathered. One of the most difficult things about procedure management is keeping track of documentation. Since there are many ways that employees correspond with one another, there are many documents that may surface in the process of developing and maintaining a procedure. For example, while email correspondence may be available for one procedure, physical or paper documents may be available for another. Because of this, many companies choose to rely on QMS software to keep track of all the documents related to the procedure management process. The use of an integrated document management system streamlines the corresponding auditing process. Web-based software applications have the added benefit of providing the ability and store procedures in a convenient location. This streamlines the audit process and ensures that procedures are accessible to team members during operations. To learn more about Accupoint Software’s comprehensive procedures management solution, please contact us to arrange a platform demonstration. With the changing landscape of the oil and gas industry, companies are under increasing pressure to improve operational efficiencies as prices continue to remain low and margins are narrowed. In order to reduce costs and increase efficiency, many service supply organizations are implementing API Spec Q2.
Accupoint’s SAM™ solution ensures compliance and the correct documentation to meet the API Q2 requirements. It defines strategies, goals and best practices and the means to secure them. Our system provides industry best practices for all components including: service quality, risk assessment, employee training, document control, MOC, corrective actions and preventive maintenance. A comprehensive solution may seem difficult for an industry with such vast core areas to cover; however, incorporating common standards of practice is essential to realizing integrated process management and operational excellence simultaneously. The bottom line: API Spec Q2 tells your customers that you are at the top of your class and aiming for the best in quality and delivery of services, ultimately ensuring customer loyalty, operational efficiency and growth. Please contact us today for more information on our family of quality management systems specific to the petroleum industry. In today's world of data that shifts more quickly than any one person can keep track of, document control is a pre-eminent concern. Oilfields need to keep track of equipment inventories, data on personnel, and all information related to operations over various spans of time. Losing track of this information can range from problematic to catastrophic, but potentially even worse is a situation where multiple versions of the same data exist without the ability to easily tell which is most recent, or most relevant to the situation at hand.
Thus, a well-run oilfield needs a control of documents program to help keep everything in line. With proper document control, companies don't need excess worker-hours to keep all their paperwork in order. Is there an endless string of spreadsheets due to constant updating? The most recent one is always available, with clearly dated backups available as well. Are documents with necessary information shifting and changing as they pass through the hands of people who keep including further data? You always know which one is the latest, and who has had a chance to alter it as well. Relevant personnel files getting juggled as workers move on and off the field to start or finish their work periods? You'll always know who's coming in and leaving with a strong system of automated document control, eliminating the human errors in small matters that are so easy to make but so troublesome when they happen. If you need better document control at your oilfields, contact us for more information. Complying with the API Spec Q1 standard is critical to your business. Not only does it ensure that you are adhering to legal requirements for your company's products, but it also helps ensure that what you produce meets the needs of your customers. Document management is a critical component of the quality requirements governed by the Q1 standard.
Digital innovations in compliance management has streamlined this process and made it much easier for companies to comply. These flexible, cloud-based solutions make it simpler for companies to effectively manage the processes and document them, which provide benefits beyond meeting regulatory guidelines. This documentation and digital record keeping also makes identifying flaws in production processes and resource management easier to identify and correct. Documentation for Q1 compliance serves three critical needs:
While documentation has always been required to meet these goals, the manual nature of collecting the information was often a barrier to full and accurate documentation. In today's world, cloud-based web solutions have removed these barriers and simplified the steps required to meet the Q1 standard for both process management and documentation. Finding the right management solution for your business is easier than it has ever been. Contact Accupoint software to find out how we can help streamline your Document and Procedure Management process. |