New technology continues to overwhelm and amaze us as faster and smaller devices with specific software continue to make a major difference in how we live our lives and conduct our work.
Unfortunately, access to new technology alone does not guarantee improved results. We've all heard stories of someone we know with a phone that doesn't understand how to do the simplest of tasks. Or of the company that purchased new computer hardware and software but never utilized it because the employees were fearful and uncertain of how to use it. Here are two helpful reminders when considering purchasing and installing new technology. First, the education and training of the workforce is just as important as the equipment itself. New technology touted to save your staff time and energy cannot work if the staff doesn't fully understand how to use it. Training and support are required. Be sure to factor into any purchase decision the ability for users to ask questions and then be willing to consistently evaluate if the software is working as it was intended.
The second consideration is a focus on mobile technology. The benefits of mobile computing are numerous and include: data capture in the field, ease of collaboration from multiple locations, and better decision making. This in turn improves efficiency, communication and profitability. Many organizations understand these benefits, but are not fully embracing it in their day to day operations. For more information on Accupoint's mobile solutions and our ability to empower employees and increase productivity in the manufacturing, energy and service industries, please contact us today. Comments are closed.