Maintaining a management system that is effective, satisfactory and suitable is a requirement of the API Spec Q2 standard. In fact, section 6.5 states:
“The organization’s quality management system shall be reviewed at least annually by the organization’s management to evaluate the quality management system’s continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.” To that end, we thought we would discuss a couple of items to help streamline your Management Review planning. When to Have a Review The standard requires that you review your system annually, at a minimum. However, best practice dictates that you schedule your reviews more often, say quarterly and focus on specific aspects during each session. Ultimately, this makes the process easier to manage and avoids duplication of efforts. What to Include When you are setting up your Management Review agenda, make sure to compile data for use in the discussion. Include internal and third party audit results, customer complaints, non-conformities and corrective action requests. Develop a schedule that allows you to review each aspect of the management system by the anniversary date. Be sure to allow for a discussion period, to address areas for improvement as well as ways that the system should be monitored. Upon completion, prepare action plans to address required changes to processes, resources, and other items identified in the review. Documentation Per the standard, the results of the Management Review must be documented and maintained. In addition, top management must review and approve the summary assessment. Results should be communicated with appropriate individuals throughout the organization. Finally, the results should be used to drive continual improvement efforts within the organization. To find out how Accupoint can help streamline your Management Review and related processes, please call toll free 800.563.6250 or visit us on the web at Comments are closed.