In today's world of data that shifts more quickly than any one person can keep track of, document control is a pre-eminent concern. Oilfields need to keep track of equipment inventories, data on personnel, and all information related to operations over various spans of time. Losing track of this information can range from problematic to catastrophic, but potentially even worse is a situation where multiple versions of the same data exist without the ability to easily tell which is most recent, or most relevant to the situation at hand.
Thus, a well-run oilfield needs a control of documents program to help keep everything in line. With proper document control, companies don't need excess worker-hours to keep all their paperwork in order. Is there an endless string of spreadsheets due to constant updating? The most recent one is always available, with clearly dated backups available as well. Are documents with necessary information shifting and changing as they pass through the hands of people who keep including further data? You always know which one is the latest, and who has had a chance to alter it as well. Relevant personnel files getting juggled as workers move on and off the field to start or finish their work periods? You'll always know who's coming in and leaving with a strong system of automated document control, eliminating the human errors in small matters that are so easy to make but so troublesome when they happen. If you need better document control at your oilfields, contact us for more information. Comments are closed.