Following the traditional headlines, there is a deeply misguided pessimism in the media when it comes to manufacturing in the United States. Given the recent political/economic issues, it seems the days when the Big Three automotives, US Steel, and other industrial giants dominated the global landscape are long gone.
Moreover, people seem to have lost faith in the opportunities manufacturing can provide as a career. Production is seen as something dirty, unsafe, with long hours and low pay that will only worsen as employers outsource production to China and other BRIC nations. Nothing could be further from the truth. America remains the wealthiest, most productive country on Earth, due, in large part, to the resurgence of manufacturing and the burgeoning shale-energy industry. Moreover, the United States continues to lead the world in technology, innovation and advanced manufacturing. Furthermore, as with the rise of the middle class in emerging markets and the maturing of the global labor force, more companies are looking to “homesource” production in the United States. Organizations such as the Mahoning Valley Manufacturers Coalition are similarly dedicated to showcasing the wonderful opportunities present in the manufacturing sector, from skilled laborers to quality inspection to supervisory/management roles. Today, on October 4th, we celebrate National Manufacturing Day, during which we celebrate our roots as the greatest industrial power the world has ever seen and aim to change the perception of manufacturing. Accupoint is proud to take part in this educational effort. We service some of the country’s most innovative. Every day, we grow more and more impressed and excited at the prospects for manufacturing. Please join us today in sharing in the pride of the companies that built America’s past and will continue to build its future. To find out how Accupoint can help you build a world class organization, call us toll-free at 800.563.6250. Comments are closed.