With the changing landscape of the oil and gas industry, companies are under increasing pressure to improve operational efficiencies as prices continue to remain low and margins are narrowed. In order to reduce costs and increase efficiency, many service supply organizations are implementing API Spec Q2.
Accupoint’s SAM™ solution ensures compliance and the correct documentation to meet the API Q2 requirements. It defines strategies, goals and best practices and the means to secure them. Our system provides industry best practices for all components including: service quality, risk assessment, employee training, document control, MOC, corrective actions and preventive maintenance. A comprehensive solution may seem difficult for an industry with such vast core areas to cover; however, incorporating common standards of practice is essential to realizing integrated process management and operational excellence simultaneously. The bottom line: API Spec Q2 tells your customers that you are at the top of your class and aiming for the best in quality and delivery of services, ultimately ensuring customer loyalty, operational efficiency and growth. Please contact us today for more information on our family of quality management systems specific to the petroleum industry. Comments are closed.