The benefits of an effective Quality Management System (QMS) are significant. A well planned and maintained QMS serves as a vehicle for future growth, expanded markets, customer satisfaction, waste reduction and continuous improvement leading to phenomenal ROI. The returns simply outweigh the cost.
With API Spec Q2, we are using quality management as a catalyst to prevent a recurrence of the devastating loss of life, environmental damage and economic turmoil that we witnessed in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon incident. API Q2 is designed to manage risk and improve business operations. As such, the supply chain and ultimately, the Majors will demand adherence from those below. Over time, all players in the industry will be forced to adopt API Q2 if they wish to continue supplying the sector. In the past, many suppliers were grandfathered into the oil and gas industry based on the past performance. In the future, certification to one or more quality standards will become the norm. That being said now is the time to formalize your QMS, and if already in place, consider making application for third party recognition. To find out how Accupoint Software can help streamline the implementation and maintenance of Quality Management Systems, call us toll-free at 800.563.6250. Comments are closed.