Most of us take it for granted that employee training and education are important components to any successful organization. The history of extraordinarily successful companies is littered with stories of the ways in which organizations cultivate their human capital (Google, Anadarko Petroleum, and American Express are but a few examples).
I wanted to share a brilliant article by Jim L. Smith in Quality Magazine this month that spells many of the key components managers should consider when implementing training programs for employees. One item of note is the potentially inhibiting use of ROTI [return on training investment]: Mr. Smith notes: “The greatest waste in America is failure to use the abilities of people...Management expects training to pay large dividends immediately. A rule of thumb is that if ROTI is less than 3:1, then training should not be considered unless it’s mandated.” This may be an erroneous rubric for two reasons. 1) Management is responsible for removing barriers to good, productive work. Management must continually and consistently encourage and reinforce new skills and behaviors. 2) Newly trained employees will demonstrate their new skills over the course of their careers. To put an arbitrary dollar figure on an arbitrary time period is to limit the opportunities of your employees to demonstrate new knowledge and impact your organization in a positive way. A second notable article was Leonard Vroegindewey’s great blog post about getting Millennials to buy into safety programs. Given the tremendous role Millennials will play in the workforce in the coming years, it is imperative that employers find innovative ways of capitalizing on their inherent desire for interactivity, social connection, and demand for improved workspaces. Importantly, employers must find better ways of integrating technology into training programs. Do you have any suggestions for how this can be done? Follow us on Twitter and let us know! So, bottom line, what does this mean for your organization? API Spec Q1/Q2 lay out strict guidelines for planning, implementing, and documenting worker training and work environment. But this is just the beginning. Knowledgeable and empowered employees are more responsible for their work and their environment. As a result, organizations see improvements in morale, attitude, and, most importantly, a reduction in the cost of quality. These employees comprehend and control their processes, which translates to fewer defects, improved customer satisfaction, and, ultimately, improved profitability for your organization. Contact Accupoint Software today to learn how we can help transform your organization by streamlining your training process. Comments are closed.
September 2024